

ISSN 2313-8971

Research result. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education
ISSN 2313-8971


Belgorod State National Research University offers a scientific community a network research journal


THE MISSION OF THE JOURNAL is to create an integrative scientific space that unites scientists from different fields of science, regions and countries to initiate, organize and conduct interdisciplinary research.

THE MAIN PURPOSE of the journal is to publish the results of research carried out by scientists from research institutions and universities as well as by independent researchers, persons, carrying out scientific studies in their initiative.

The journal follows the OPEN ACCESS POLICY.

The materials of the Journal are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Free reproduction of materials from the Journal for personal purposes and free use for informational, scientific, educational and cultural purposes is allowed according to Articles 1273 and 1274 of Chapter 70 Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, study, search, or link to the full-text papers in the Journal without seeking permission from the Publisher or author. This policy is consistent with the principles of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). When quoting, a reference to the Journal is required. 

DATA STORAGE POLICY is aimed at selecting, storing and providing access to the Journal's archives. All papers published in the Journal and their metadata are stored in the Russian State Library, the Russian Book Chamber, on the Publisher's server and are available for public access on the Journal's website.

THE READERS OF THE JOURNAL are scientists; specialists in the field of education, knowledge management and educational experts; PhD candidates, post-graduate students; administration of educational institutions; teachers; state and municipal employees. The journal is distributed in all regions of  Russia, CIS countries (confederation of independent states ), other foreign countries.

WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE JOURNAL conferences, symposiums, forums are hosted, research group are formed, international projects and researches are realized.

«Research Result: Pedagogy and Psychology of Education" publishes research papers Pay FREE.

Research papers can be accepted for consideration in RUSSIAN and ENGLISH LANGUAGES. Articles in English have priority in the consideration of the editorial board.

This journal uses DOUBLE-BLIND PEER REVIEW of all papers entering the editorial office with the purpose of expert evaluation in the following qualifications:


13.00.01 - General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education / 5.8.1 – General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education;
13.00.02 - Theory and a training and education teaching (on fields and educational levels) / 5.8.2 – Theory and a training and education teaching (on fields and educational levels);
13.00.08 - Theory and methodology of vocational education / 5.8.7 – Methodology and technology of vocational education.


19.00.01 - General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology / 5.3.1 – General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology;
19.00.05 - Social psychology / 5.3.5  Social psychology, political and economic psychology;
19.00.07 - Pedagogical Psychology / 5.3.4 – Pedagogical Psychology, psychodiagnostics of digital educational environments;
19.00.13 - Development Psychology / 5.3.7 – Age psychology.

The name and content of the journal's headings correspond to the branches of science and groups of qualification of scientists in accordance with THE NOMENCLATURE OF THE QUALIFICATION OF SCIENTISTS.

THE REFEREES OF THE JOURNAL are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed papers. The editorial board of the journal sends to the authors of the submitted papers the conclusion and comments of the referee or a motivated refusal.

The journal follows the STANDARDS OF PUBLICATION ETHIC in accordance with the international practice of editing, reviewing, publishing and authorship of scientific publications and the recommendations of Committee on Publications Ethics.

The articles published in the journal are assigned DOI (DIGITAL OBJECT IDENTIFIER, which is the standard of designation in the worldwide network of information about the object. DOI assignment is the basis for correct accounting of references and citations, which allows for stable access to scientific data, verification and use of research results.

The electronic journal is included in the Russian Index of Scientific Citation (RISC) database. This involves placing an electronic version of the publication (including archival issues) on the platform of the SCIENTIFIC ELECTRONIC LIBRARY www.elibrary.ru in full-text format.

PUBLICATION FREQUENCY is 1 issue per quarter (in March, June, September, and December).


The online edition “RESEARCH RESULT: PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATION” has been registered at the Federal service for supervision of communications information technology and mass media (Roskomnadzor) (Mass media registration certificate: ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 69079 from 14.03.2017) and in the International Center ISSN 2313-8971.


FOUNDER AND PUBLISHER: The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod State National Research University" (85 Pobedy St., Belgorod, 308015, Russian).

The ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THE JOURNAL is available at: http://rrpedagogy.ru/journal/pedagogy/

TELEPHONES: +7 (4722) 30-13-00 * 27-71 – Eroshenkova Elena Ivanovna - Editor in Chief, Associate Professor, PhD of Pedagogic Science; Anokhina Svetlana Vitalievna - executive secretary.

E-MAIL ADDRESSES: eroshenkova@bsu.edu.ru; anohina_s@bsu.edu.ru


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  • Academic Research Index – ResearchBib
  • InfoBaseIndex