
Research result. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education

Volume 6, Issue №4, 2020 PDF

Education as a factor of professional self-determination of teenagers

The pertinence of the study stems from the unfavorable forecast of the growth of the working-age population in the Russian Federation, the decline in health, academic knowledge in school-age ...

Problems of formation of independence and activity  of senior preschool children in motor activity

The problem of searching for potential opportunities for the development of independence and activity of a growing person, as a condition for the harmonious development of the individual, ...

Children-adult community of the archaeological camp as a factor of inclusion of adolescents in the study of historical  and cultural heritage

Currently, the demand in pedagogical theory and practice for adequate modern development of pedagogical and educational practices to include students of different ages in productive (including socially significant) activities ...

Study of value orientations and moral attitudes of modern youth: gender aspect

The formation of value orientations and moral attitudes of young people is taking place in the conditions of unstable socio-economic conditions in the world. The problem of studying ...

Identification of the evolutionary sequence of the emergence and development of interactive learning

Introduction. The phenomenon of interactive learning by its characteristics and potential is intended to act as a reliable tool for implementing the competence-based learning paradigm. However, highlighting interaction and ...

Using traditional and innovative methods in teaching Russian  grammar to Spanish-speaking students

The purpose of this article is to consider the development of methods of teaching foreign languages (in particular, Russian as a foreign language) in scientific and educational literature, and ...

Possibilities of objectification and development of criteria for the analysis of the indicators used by the standard neuropsychological methodologies

The active development of complex neurorehabilitation and reformatting of the clinical component within the framework of the multidisciplinary rehabilitation team operation methodically justifies the necessity of discovering new ways ...

Application of behavioral theory in music

This paper presents an explanation of some laws of perception with regard to S–R principles of learning psychology. The possibility of connecting two great schools in the science of ...

Development of the method of sand art diagnostics of emotional response of elder preschool children to information on anti-terrorist security 

Ensuring the safety of children, taking into account the growing threats of a terrorist nature, is an important component of modern preschool education. At the same time, while conducting ...