Основные труды:
1. Minic, V., Jovanovic, M., Elezovic, Z. (2017): The Influence of Modern Means of Mass Communication on the Upbringing and Education of Young School Children, Medwell Journals, The Social Sciences 12 (8): 1394 - 1400, ISSN 1818 - 5800, pg 1394 - 1400.
2. Весна Минић. Васпитање и образовање за демократију у Републици Србији. Зорник радова Филозофског факултета у Приштини. Главни и одговорни уредник: проф. др Урош Шуваковић. Косовска Митровица. 2016. УДК 37.01:321.7(497.11) 37.014.53(497.11), стр. 255-272.
3. Мinic, V. (2017): Internet use in distance education in Serbia schools, Современные тенденции развития науки и технологиѝ, Бр. 4, Часть 3, Агентство перспективных исследованиѝ, Белгород, УДК 001 ББК 72 C 56 ISSN 2413-0869 ISBN 978-5-9500092-1-1 ISBN 978-5-9500092-4-2 (Часть III), стр. 131 – 133.
4. Мinic. V. (2017): Civic education in primary schools in Serbia for the purpose of acquiring knowledge of social life, Knowledge, International journal, Institute of knowledge of management, Greece, Vol. 19.2, No. 2, UDK 37, ISSN 2545 - 4439, ISSN 1857 - 923X, pg. 485 - 489.
5. Marija Jovanovic, Vesna Minic. Individualisation of teaching in the process of descriptive assessment. Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Prof. dr Zeki Kaya, Gazi University, Turkey, Prof. dr Ugur Demiray, Anadolu University, Turkey. Wjeis, Journal of educational and instructional studies in the world. 2016. pg. 28-37 Volume: 6. Special Issue:1 Article: 06 ISSN 2146/7463.