
Tatyana Nikolayevna Razuvayeva

Scientific degree: Doctor of Psychology

Academic rank: Professor

Country: Russia

City: Belgorod

Organization: «Belgorod State National Research University"

Position: Professor

Head of the Department of General and Clinical Psychology. Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.

Major works:

One of the leading Russian psychologists and researchers of the social and psychological structure of teaching staff as a subject of innovation, the author of a five-component model of attitudes of the teaching staff to innovative activities and tools for its assessment. The author of the following theoretical concepts and research methods: an ideal socio-psychological structure of the collective as the subject of innovation, the potential of innovative activity and potential efficacy of the team; its orientation to change, its ethical preparedness for innovation, a positive perception of its conditions, and readiness to use cultural ways to manage this activity and the perception of external innovations. The author of more than 170 scientific papers, including 5 monographs published in Russia and abroad. Head of Russian research projects.