Nina Yuryevna Shtreker
Scientific degree: Doctor of Pedagogy
Academic rank: Professor
Country: Russia
City: Kaluga
Organization: "Kaluga State Universit named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky"
Position: Professor
Director of the Institute of Pedagogy. An honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Shtreker N.Yu. was awarded with the medal of K.D. Ushinsky for achievements in the field of pedagogical sciences.
Major works:
One of the leading Russian experts in the field of multi-level teacher training, the introduction of competence-based approach in higher pedagogical education, modernization of teachers’ education. Developer of the problems of teaching philological disciplines in higher teachers’ education. The author of over 100 scientific papers, including 5 monographs on the modernization of teachers’ training: "A Competence Approach in Higher Education" (Kaluga: Izd KSU), "Innovation Processes in Teachers’ Education: Regional Experience and Challenges" (Kaluga: Publishing House of KGU), and other textbooks for university students approved by the Academic Methodological Association: "Fundamentals of Methods of Teaching the Russian Language in Primary Education" (M:., "High school"), "The Modern Russian Language. Historical Commentary "(M:." The Academy"), “The Russian Language and the Culture of Speech” (Moscow: UNITY) and others.