José Carlos Libâneo
Scientific degree: PhD in Philosophy and History of Education
Academic rank: Professor
Country: Brazil
City: Goiás
Organization: Bishop's Catholic University
Position: Professor
Professor. Coordinates the CNPq Research Group: Educational Theories and Processes.
Major works:
It has about 100 publications between books, chapters of books and articles in specialized periodicals. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the following journals: Inter Ação (Fac. Educ./UFG), Professor's View (UEPG), Journal of University Studies (UNISO / Sorocaba University), Educational Goiás), Pedagogical Space (UPF), Interface- Communication, Health and Education (Unesp Botucatu). Parecerista of the Brazilian Journal of Education and Brazilian Journal of Pedagogical Studies. Member of the Editorial Board of Editora Unijui. He is a member of the Didactic WG of ANPEd-National Association of Research and Post-Graduation in Research on the following topics: education theory, didactics, teacher training, teaching and learning, school policies, school organization and management. He is currently developing research within the historical-cultural theory, with emphasis on learning, teaching and school organization Education. Founder of the Center for Studies and Research in Didactics (CEPED) in Brazil.