
Irina Vladimirovna Zapesotskaya

Scientific degree: Holder of Habilitation degree in Psychology

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Country: Russia

City: Kursk

Organization: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kursk State Medical University

Position: Professor of the Department of Psychology of Health and Correctional Psychology


Major works:

Scientific interests include: psychology of person, psychology of dependence. Leads the studies of general psychological mechanisms of dependence, features and factors of changing the perception of time at different age stages, structural-content features of the self-conception in the state of dependence. Supervises Candidate's dissertations. Author of over 150 publications, including: monographs and chapters in multi-authored monographs: “Professional and Personal Deformations of Doctors: Phenomenology, Determination, and Evaluation,” “Psychological Mechanisms of Dependence Transformation,” “Psychology of Dependence: a Meta-psychological Analysis”.