The article is devoted to such an urgent problem of modern education as training future pre-school teachers for pedagogical support of preschool children. The authors revealed the relevance of pedagogical support as a specific kind of pedagogical activity. On the basis of using the method of analysis of scientific literature and the synthesis of work experience, the technology of training for pedagogical was theoretically grounded. The author discloses the methodological core of the technology: the humanistic paradigm; the systemic, axiological, activity-based, learner-centered, competency-based approaches; the principles of purposefulness, integration, anthropocentrism, practical orientation. The described technology is presented in three levels: conceptual, substantive and procedural. There were extensively characterized the pedagogical conditions and technology stages: preparatory, informational, technological, and productive. The introduction of the technology into the educational process of higher educational institutions implies improving the structure, content, forms and methods of its organization; according to the author, the activities must result in the readiness of future pre-school teachers to pedagogical support, represented by the unity of four components: motivational, cognitive, operational and reflective. The effectiveness of the technology was confirmed by the results of the pilot study.
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Research result. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education is included in the scientific database of the RINTs (license agreement No. 765-12/2014 dated 08.12.2014).
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