This paper describes the development and application of main principles of CLIL technology in Ryazan state radioengineering university in the process of close collaboration of teachers working at the department of Foreign Languages with the teachers from the faculty of Computer Science. Brief history of CLIL development abroad is given; basic principles of its implementation into the environment of engineering institutions are formulated. The main aims of introducing CLIL technology into the academic process are to develop student motivation of learning a foreign language, to give students the possibility of conscious communication in a foreign language in professional sphere, to develop their knowledge and understanding of other cultures, to develop linguistic and communicative competences in the course of communication in a foreign language, simulating communication situations on different topics in professional sphere. Main methods to achieve these aims are given, qualitative results of the work are represented.
Keywords: Content and language integrated learning (CLIL),
consistent learning,
professional competency,
productive mastering.
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