Modern linguodidactics of society and education informatization stage pays significant attention to the correspondence between methods of training and aids of training – the components of foreign languages teaching methodology system. Herewith, when we discuss the aids of foreign language training we mean mainly education informatization facilities which posses not only functionalities but also linguodidactical capabilities. Such scientific investigations are very urgent for foreign language training in engineering universities as their results are able to intensify that specific learning process. The present paper contains the theoretical investigations results as well as the test-teaching results dedicated to foreign language training methods full-fledged realization by means of linguodidactical capabilities of education informatization facilities. The theoretical part of the present paper presents eleven linguodidactical capabilities of education informatization facilities. The methodical recommendations for language teachers on overcoming the difficulties of memorizing of non-specific for science and technology language educational material by engineering students are also presented here. The practical part of the article is devoted to the description of the English language test-teaching process of engineering students and to the results of this test-teaching. The data proving the positive dynamics of English proficiency of engineering students after their test-teaching as well as the statistical characteristics proving the data validity by means of distribution-free test chi-square 2 are given. Finally, the advantages of foreign language training methods realization by means of linguodidactical capabilities of education informatization facilities are accentuated.
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