The article reveals the positive and negative changes that have occurred in the pedagogical science and practice of education in recent years. The factors influencing the inclusion of new concepts and terms in the scope of the content of education, goals and methods of teaching are shown. The subject of ordering pedagogical terminology is a set of terms and other forms of concepts fixation in a given area of knowledge and their evaluation in accordance with the basic provisions of the general theory of ordering. The evaluation itself is given by the lexico-semantic and conceptual-logical means of language and thinking. The most effective means in this case are structural and logical categories, the diversity of which in pedagogy in comparison with technical disciplines is great. Despite all the variety of possible approaches to the classification of pedagogies, all intra-categorial (within the categories of objects, properties, states, etc.), the relationships between concepts can be reduced to two main ones: logical – gender-type, system-structural relation – part-whole.
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