The article investigates the concepts “motive” and “activity”, according to Leontiev’s constructs and the didactic-formative intervention research. The didactic-formative intervention research consists in a research methodology created and developed in Brazil by Longarezi in 2012-2014 within GEPEDI/UFU, for the accomplishment of developmental education investigations. This kind of research is based on the principles of developmental education and, therefore, has as an objective-goal the development of students for the learning activity (objective-means). In the relation to the procedure, the investigation is divided into four stages: 1) diagnostics of the processes of teaching-learning-development of the current school systems; 2) formative intervention with teachers; 3) educational intervention with students; and 4) systematization and analysis of didactic principles for teaching that trigger development. The analysis was conducted according to the Cultural Historical perspective and the developmental education. An elementary school teacher of Mathematics had participated in the research together with 21 eighth and ninth grade students of a public school in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
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