DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2018-4-3-0-2


Now, the organization of a full-scale demonstration experiment, as well as a laboratory workshop in physic sat a modern level, both in secondary and high schools, is associated with serious financial costs. This often creates insurmountable difficulties. These circumstances inevitably lead to an increase in the importance of the application in the educational process of a virtual demonstration experiment and a laboratory workshop, which are gradually beginning to displace the full-scale experiment. At the same time, physics has been an experimental science since its inception, and a real experiment demonstrating some phenomenon, due to its visibility, is much more useful at first acquaintance with this phenomenon, rather than its, even very good, computer simulation. In this regard, considering the realities of today, when organizing the educational process, a reasonable combination of full-scale and virtual experiments is necessary. This may be particularly true for a lecture demonstration experiment, which is one of the most important components in teaching physics. Traditionally, such demonstrations are conducted on a previously prepared experimental setup and illustrate the basic provisions of this or that theory. At the same time, if the pre-lecture preparation of the experiment occurs to be too time-consuming for the teacher, due to the increased workload and decreased classroom hours, a real experiment can be prepared once, performed under the most suitable conditions, and recorded on video. Any comments – oral, embedded in the video, or placed at an information resource, well-known by students, will give a qualitative explanation of the experiment. For the subsequent quantitative description of the experiment, it is often necessary to involve computer simulation tools for physical processes, such as popular mathematical processing or circuit modeling environments, or authorial programs. The methodological aspects of such an integrated approach to the demonstration experiment in physics, combining full-scale and virtual experiments, are considered in the present work by the example of demonstrations on the motion of charged particles in magnetic and electric fields. In this case, the electrolyte motion in the magnetic and electric fields is discussed in detail, as the most accessible and vivid method of such experiments, and the qualitative and quantitative analytical description of the experiment under discussion is presented in sufficient detail.

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