DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2018-4-3-0-7


The article is devoted to the questions of psychological diagnostics of personal conflicts in the value-motivation sphere. Particular attention is paid to the essence of the intrapersonal conflict, which represents a contradiction between different structures of personality and psychic formations, which have reached a certain degree of acuteness and relevance. The authors determineуthe main characteristics of conflicts in the value-motivation sphere, manifested in the interaction of structures of the inner world, their mismatch and contradiction, the presence of psycho-emotional tension, the state of doubt, choice, making a decision that can be difficult due to the emergence of strong negative emotional experiences. The distinctive features of personal conflicts are revealed: superficialism – depth of contradictions, duration, and high stability. The reliable empirical data received by the authors on different samples of subjects on the basis of use of a large number of adequate tasks of research of methodologies are presented. Based on the analysis and generalization of the results obtained, a program of diagnostics of personal conflicts in the structure of value-motivational sphere of the person is offered.

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