The article deals with the problem of developing professional communicative competence of penal officers. The aim of the article is to prove the effectiveness of the implementation of the methodological system of formation of professional communicative competence of cadets of the institutes of the Federal Penitentiary Service. For realization of research tasks, the following methods of research were used: the analysis and generalization of pedagogical and educational activities, the survey and synthesis of pedagogical experience. Results: The author proposes to form professional communicative competence of cadets throughout their entire training in stages, in a comprehensive manner. The experiment involved 145 people, divided into 6 groups of cadets of the same year of study, enrolled in the areas of “Jurisprudence” (4 groups) and “Zootechnics” (2 groups). The experiment lasted the entire period of the cadets’ training at the institute (4 years). There was carried out the monitoring of the level of formation of professional communicative competence before and after the pedagogical experiment, processing and analysis of empirical data using modern statistical methods. The obtained results were analyzed. Using the Pearson's criterion, the affect of the studied influence on the educational process in the experimental group of cadets was proved. The presence of statistical differences in the samples indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is accepted with a probability of 99%. The design validity of the research apparatus is proved.
Keywords: competence,
professional communicative competence,
evaluation methodology,
the level of formation of competence,
penal officers.
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