DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2018-4-4-0-2

The active didactic platform of the evolution of the flagship university

The article explores the mission and objective possibilities of the flagship university, as well as the conditions under which it really becomes a driving factor of the innovative economic, social, cultural development of the region through its contribution to the creation of high-tech industries, the implementation of cultural initiatives, ensuring the flow tax revenues to the regional budget and to training of high-potential professionals. As a result of studying domestic and foreign scientific, pedagogical, special literature, and practical pedagogical experience, the author makes a conclusion about the need of a qualitative change in the content of a university education by moving from the knowledge model of didactic platform to the active model of a didactic platform that ensures proportionality of education of a specialist to the changing needs of society, the economy, the individual. Special attention is paid to a unique character of the proposed active model of the didactic platform: ensuring the possibility of parametric control of creating new connections between the subject's impact on the object of activity and their reflection in the form of changing the parameters of the object, which ensures the aggregation of new knowledge of the current level of complexity at the right time and in any sphere of economy. The author proves that the active model of the didactic platform creates conditions for the development and implementation of solutions of a qualitatively new level (new properties, new functions), with fundamentally new opportunities based on a systemic representation of changes in the state and properties of an activity object in the process of directed activity of a subject. Such an approach realizes the conversion of a trainee from a passive acquirer and replicator of knowledge to the specialist, who can create a qualitatively new product with innovative value due to the holistic view of productive activity and the conscious choice of the direction of its activity in almost any field of activity.

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