DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2019-5-1-0-6

Peculiarities of psychological well-being of the individual heads of structural divisions of the university

Creating a holistic understanding of the features of the psychological well-being of managers at different levels in organizations, including managers in educational institutions, is an urgent task. The purpose of the research is to study the role of the relationship of heads of structural units of the University to their positions and themselves as leaders, as well as their dominant professional motives for achieving psychological well-being. The study was conducted at Belgorod State National Research University and Belgorod Law Institute named after I.D. Putilin. It involved heads of departments of universities: deans, deputy deans in different areas and heads of departments. A total of 133 respondents participated in the study: 59 men and 74 women aged 21 to 70 years. The study used the following methods:"Methods of assessing professional well-being" (E.I. Ruth 2016), the questionnaire "Professional self-attitude" (K.V. Karpinsky, A. M.Kolyshko, 2010), the questionnaire "Metaphors of professional activity" (K.V. Karpinsky, T.V.Gijak, 2016), “The questionnaire ofbusiness orientation of the individual" (V.I. Taranenko, 2013). Main results: positive connections between the general indicator of psychological well-being of managers and their attitudes to their activities and themselves as leadershave been found. Based on the results of the regression analysis, the authorsstate that the overall indicator of the positivity of professional self-attitude, the indicators of self-blame in the profession, orientation towards the collective, and enthusiasm for the profession are predictors of the general indicator of psychological well-being.

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