The axiological component of the prognostic activity is the formation of a special system of values allowing for a future teacher to revaluate pedagogical values in accordance with changes in the socioeducational life, the needs of the society and personality. The research problem consists in insufficient attention paid to the formation of the axiological component of prognostic component of future teachers’
professional readiness. The aim of the article is investigating specific features of the formation of the axiological component of future teachers’ prognostic activity, which will ensure due preparation for realization of prognostic activity. The methods of the research include: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem; comparison of the results obtained; their generalization for the formulation of general conclusions. The article considers the major concepts constituting the axiological component of prognostic activity, such as “axiology”, “the category of values”, “axiological orientation”, “motive”, “motivation”. The analysis of the concepts mentioned above allowed for defining the content of the axiological component of prognostic activity. The methodological aspect of forming the axiological component of the future teachers’ prognostic activity was investigated. The results of our study show, that it is necessary to use various forms of organizing learners in class (learning-cognitive games, learning discussions, training exercises, preparatory exercises, designing projects and thematic portfolios) for the formation of the axiological component of the future teachers’
prognostic activity of.
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