DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2019-5-4-0-1

High-tech pedagogy of creation: axiological and evolutionary action-oriented approaches

The article substantiates the need for a transition to knowledge-intensive and high-tech pedagogy of creation in the face of the increasing influence of the development of artificial intelligence technologies on changing the environment of professional activity. Flagship universities, directly and naturally connected with the innovative development of the regional economy, are called upon to become the driving force behind the implementation of knowledge-intensive, high-tech, pedagogy of creation. As a result of studying domestic and foreign scientific, pedagogical, special literature, practical pedagogical experience, it is concluded that the essence of creation pedagogy is a qualitatively new pedagogical system that ensures the ability of the subject of activity (student, specialist) to construct new valuable knowledge about the process of organization and implementation of interaction with a real professional environment in real time. Particular attention is paid to building a mathematical model for constructing new valuable knowledge based on the language of parametric representation. It is proved that the language of the parametric representation of the process of constructing valuable knowledge as a sign system adequately reflects the basic processes of creative activity through universal mathematical operations. Mathematical models that use the language of parametric representation create unique opportunities for the axiomatic primary representation of the subject's environment of activity, providing an understanding of the processes that occur when constructing new valuable knowledge. Each operational step in the mathematical model provides a phased unary representation of the evolutionary-activity process of consciously constructing the up-to-date product with the implementation of an epigenetic algorithm – the basis of intellectual-informational support for the subject. A universal set of mathematical operations and principles, expressed through symbols, provides the possibility of a holistic and unambiguous presentation of the processes of designing and evaluating creative activity by the subject itself. The authors argue that the implementation of the mathematical model of constructing new valuable knowledge based on order parameters raises the quality of education services to a new level, providing a transition to knowledge-intensive, high-tech pedagogy of creation (adapting the educational process to changing the needs of the labor market and the needs of students).

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