DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2019-5-4-0-4

Current aspects of the implementation of ethnocultural technologies in secondary vocational education

The implementation of ethnocultural educational technologies in the conditions of secondary vocational education is an important aspect aimed at solving the urgent problems of training, education, development of the student’s personality, his/her intellectual and creative abilities, which play a large role in professional development. The purpose of the work is to study the ethno-cultural orientation of modern vocational education in the conditions of technical school in the preparation of future specialists for the garment industry and design, aimed at preserving the ethnocultural identity of the individual by familiarizing with native culture, disclosure of the creative potential of students by means of folk art and the ability to use it. The study was conducted on the basis of a theoretical analysis of the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problems of the ethnocultural orientation of education, the involvement of students in creative and design activities, the use of folk traditions, pedagogical observation, conversations with students, and analysis of the results of the study. As a result of pedagogical research, effective technologies of ethnocultural education were identified, aimed at creative self-development of the personality of the future clothing designer, fashion designer, her moral education by means of folk art. These include active and interactive learning technologies based on problematic teaching methods, modeling of professional activities, which add dynamism and variety to the classes. Ethnocultural technologies, implemented in the educational and extracurricular activities of the technical school, affect the artistic and creative training of modern specialists and are aimed at solving the urgent problems of training, education, personal development, and attentive attitude to the history and culture of the country, native land.

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