Teenagers’ gender identity formation technology in the interaction of a single-parent family and school
The article describes present changes in the type of gender values in society from patriarchal to egalitarian. The instability of norms, values and patterns in the transition period leads to a crisis of gender identity in sensitive periods of personality development. Therefore, family and school are the main agents determining the conditions for the gender identity formation and development. A lot of researchers note the problems in the process of gender socialization of the children from single-parent families. The aim of the work was to develop and test the technology of teenagers’ gender identity formation in the interaction of a single-parent family and school. The described technology contains the following stages: organizational and diagnostic, substantive-operational and efficiently evaluative. The main goal of the described technology is the theoretical and methodological support for organizing the process of single-parent family and school interaction creating conditions conducive to the formation of a teenagers’ positive gender identity. Each stage of the technology includes the purpose, content, activities and interaction of the class master, parent, teenager and the result of the stage. Pedagogical conditions contributing to the formation of positive gender identity in teenagers from single-parent families were identified and justified in the process of technology development. Experimental testing of the technology has revealed its effectiveness. In the process of solving the tasks posed at each stage, the gender perceptions of teenagers from single-parent families become more complex, including the perceptions of themselves as representatives of a particular gender group. The forms and methods used make it possible to expand the behavioral repertoire, reduce tension in the interaction of teenagers with representatives of their own and the opposite sex, and also increase the gender self-esteem of teenagers from a single-parent family.
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