Value orientations in the psychological regulation of official behavior on the example of policemen in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
The ways of activating the personality, transformed and directed into activity, value orientations, are the basis of a complex abstract representation. Values and activities are manifested at different levels of the hierarchy in the structure of the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the views of the leader and subordinates. The idea of activity presents the norms, the structure of incentives and management. The basic principles of the organization are aimed at coordinating activities in a single association. The article discusses the features of organizational behavior that depend on the sharing of a common value system by all participants in the organization, i.e., the proximity of the personal value system of each individual to the value system adopted in the organization. The aim of the study is to study the nature of the relationship between the personal value system of each policeman with the value system adopted by the organization. The author provides some recommendations for maintaining a favorable moral and psychological climate in the staff.
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