Comparative analysis of professional hand-to-hand combat training of police in educational institutions of foreign countries and Russia
The pedagogical system of hand-to-hand combat training is given quite a lot of attention in educational organizations of the police of the USA, Germany, Israel, China, Japan and several other countries. The article is aimed at providing a comparative analysis of professional hand-to-hand combat training of police officers in Russia and abroad. The research methods involved working with sources, analyzing and synthesizing empirically obtained results. A number of features were identified that emphasize the differences and the specifics of hand-to-hand combat training of future officers of the criminal investigation department in the foreign and domestic higher schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: at first, in all foreign states considered by us hand-to-hand combat training of enforcement agencies is a separate educational subject. Secondly, training process of hand-to-hand fight practically does not differ in the army, police and security services. Thirdly, all pedagogical systems of hand-to-hand combat training in the countries of the civilized world to one degree or another are based on methodologies of judo and karate. Fourthly, a psychological constituent of hand-to-hand combat training is the fundamental aspect of this vocational training. Fifthly, hand-to-hand combat training takes place in the form of a training process with the deployment of the competition method of sports training in its different variations especially on its final stages. As a result, the shortcomings of the national police higher school were substantiated, the positive and negative components of professional hand-to-hand combat training in foreign countries were identified, the need to take into account the historical, philosophical, social and mental specifics of Russia was determined.
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