DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2020-6-2-0-9

Content features of the development of prognostic abilities in psychology students

The importance of the formation of prognostic abilities in the process of vocational training is explained by the following reasons: the social sphere is characterized by instability, which forces to plan various ways of professional and personal development; success in different professions is determined by the ability to see the consequences of their actions; in the work of a psychologist, foresight helps not only to develop professionally, but also helps to avoid stressful situations and the risk of psychological trauma to the client. In addition, normative documents (higher education standard, professional standard) impose requirements for the formation of predictive abilities in psychologists. The purpose of the work: to study the peculiarities of development students’ prognostic abilities as a necessary component of professionally important psychologist’s qualities, determining the success of professional activity. This research relies on L.A. Regush 's definition and methodological approach, where prognostic abilities are understood as a feature of individual’s cognitive processes, as a quality of thinking that appears itself in the ability to establish causal relationships, to make hypotheses, to plan. The following psycho diagnostic methods were chosen for the organization of empirical research: the Prognostic Task Method (L.A. Regush, N.L. Somov), the test of anticompetitive viability (V.D. Mendelevich), the methods “Do you know how to make a decision?” (L.A. Alexandrov, S.G. Morozova), “Do you know how to plan your activities?” (R.L. Oxford, I.G. Yudin), “Do you know how to design your activities?”(S.G. Scherbakova). As a result, it was concluded that among graduates, compared with 3rd year students, indicators of the formation of a degree of awareness of life plans significantly prevail; the abilities to anticipate the development of events and verbalize one’s own prospects are better developed; the level of the formation of decision-making, planning and designing skills is higher. Recommendations are of feredfor students on the development of the ability to the prediction.The prospect of the study is to identify the dynamics in the development of prognostic abilities from the first to the final year of study, a comparison of the substantive features of the forecasting ability of students in different areas of study, as well as the development of programs for the development of forecasting ability.

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