DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2020-6-2-0-11

Structural organization of self-attitudeinpatients with alcohol addiction

The argumentation of relevance at the socio-psychological level can be represented by the contradiction between the vector of socialization and resocialization of subjects with addictive behavior. The article reflects the substantive and structural features of self-attitudein alcohol addiction. Methodologically, alcohol addiction is understood as a psychological state that causes a shift in the mode of relations from subject-subject to subject-object. The article presents an empirical study of the structural features of self-attitude: cognitive, emotional, and conative. The organization of the structure of self-attitude as a systemic education was studied according to the criteria of integration/disintegration, divergence/convergence, organization/disorganization. The empirical study involved 126 people aged 25-55 years.Methodological tools: “Test questionnaire of personality self-relationship” (S.R. Panteleev, V.V. Stolin), methodology “Analysis of family anxiety” (E.G. Eidemiller and V. Yustitskis), methodology “Scale of alexithymia” (G.J Taylor ), “Diagnostics of the socio-psychological personality attitudes in the motivational-need sphere” (OF Potemkina), a questionnaire for family adaptation and cohesion (D.K. Olson). The features of the content side of self-attitude in alcohol dependence were identified, which include an increase in self-accusation, a decrease in self-acceptance, self-leadership, expectations of a positive attitude of others at a competitive level, a decrease in self-esteem at an emotional level and global self-esteem at a cognitive level. The structure of self-relationship in alcohol dependence is disintegrated, convergent and disorganized. A change in the structural organization of self-attitude in alcohol dependence is caused by the following factors: “attitude to life”, “attitude to activity”, “attitude to oneself”, “attitude to others” and “emotional experiences”, under the influence of which the structural organization of self-attitude is violated and goes from subject-subject to subject-object pole of relationships, which is manifested in simplification, in the destruction of the cognitive component, in the weakening of the relationship between affective and behavioral reactions, as well as in reduced and forms, variants of their manifestations.

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