Status, motivation and satisfaction of a higher education teacher: reflections on the research results
The article presents the results of a study conducted under the auspices of the League of Higher Education Teachers in March - April 2020. The study was aimed at identifying the social status and role of teachers of domestic higher education in the development of civil society and it covered 45 regions of Russia. The article discusses the relationship of motivation, satisfaction and social significance of the work of university teachers. The authors analyze those aspects of work motivation and job satisfaction of university teachers that directly affect the level of prestige of this profession. The study showed that such factors as “administration's attitude to employees' needs” and “career growth” have the most negative impact on job satisfaction and, accordingly, awareness of teachers' own worth. A negative trend was observed in changes in the respondents' job satisfaction over the past year. We have made a conclusion that the real status, motivation and satisfaction of higher education teachers remain at a level clearly insufficient to solve the complex problems and challenges which modern Russian society is facing. To overcome the identified problems, it is proposed to conduct regular monitoring of job satisfaction at universities and to develop a corporate culture, which is based on the recognition of the value of labor of a higher education teacher.
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