Social education in the context of risk research
An undeniable feature of the modern situation of social education is the uncertainty, which is largely reflected in the risks. Risks have an impact on the performance of social development of the younger generation and can act as threats and challenges to its implementation. The greatest risk affects children, as they belong to socially vulnerable layers of the population. To actualize riskology in social education, an attempt is being made to identify the circumstances that contribute to the penetration of risks into the sphere of social education. The study revealed qualitative forms of risk that have a significant impact on the social development of the younger generation. This article is an attempt to analyze the concept of "risk" on the basis of the most authoritative studies. The author provides a review of the risk classifications, which is refracted to the field of social education. The application of the mechanism of compensative homeostat allowed us to build a mechanism for the formation of risks in social education and to describe a possible scenario. Risk scenarios in social education are built from the position of the behavior of customers of social education and objects of social education. Risk analysis in the field of social education allows to express the contradictions resulting from today’s socio-cultural crisis in oppositely directed pairs. A holistic analysis of the existing situation of counteracting the sociocultural crisis can lead to the degeneration of social sciences either into pure ideology or into religious thinking, which serves as a prerequisite for further research.On the basis of the conducted research, conclusions are drawn about the need for theoretical and applied development of pedagogy of social education and the expressed need to include the section of riskology of social education in it.
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