Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program for social-emotional and pro-social education of primary school children
Every day, the Russian education system undergoes numerous changes. Teaching standards are changing, new tasks and requirements are being set for students and teachers. Such changes did not bypass the period of primary education. Junior schoolchildren are expected not only to know about school subjects, but also the ability to cooperate, to stand in the position of another, to understand their own and other people's emotions, to control them. In other words, the school should pay attention to the development of the socio-emotional competencies of children. In this regard, a program for social and emotional education of primary school children was developed, based on such methods of training as solving social problems, role-playing, visual methods, participation in joint project activities, fulfilling written tasks with prosocial content, affective induction and modeling of pro-social behavior.To empirically test the effectiveness of the developed program, a study was organized using author's techniques: 1) an emotional dictionary test, the purpose of which is to measure the vocabulary of emotives in junior schoolchildren; 2) methodology for studying prosocial behavior "Peer nomination"; 3) the technique "We share with others," used to study prosocial behavior in younger schoolchildren, as well as the ability to identify emotions.The results obtained made it possible to conclude that the developed program contributes to the development of the following competencies of junior schoolchildren: identification of emotions, an emotional dictionary and prosocial behavior. Further refinement and improvement of the program will allow it to be introduced into educational practice and thereby solve the problem of social and emotional education of children.
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