Using video in the process of teaching a foreign language at a university
The article is devoted to the up-to-date topic of using video materials. The authors consider it as one of the most effective means of developing foreign language communicative skills of students, which is a priority in teaching foreign languages to students of non-linguistic specialties at the university, and is dictated by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES).The purpose of the article is to analyze the literature on the feasibility of using video clips at foreign language classes, as well as to demonstrate the capabilities of video, which allow you to use it as the most effective tool in the context of a modern approach to teaching foreign languages at a University. The article describes the advantages of using video at classes, which makes it possible to use both verbal and non-verbal channels of perception of information and creates the atmosphere of real communication. The use of video materials is considered in the article not only as a source of lexical, country-specific, socio-cultural, professionally-oriented information, but also as an important way to form complex communication skills. It is not only interesting and attractive for students, but also very popular among teachers as a technique that helps to optimize the process of mastering language material and increase motivation to learn a foreign language. The article describes the need to use authentic video in teaching as a way to simulate the language environment in the classroom. The authors classify video materials by type, and it can greatly facilitate the teacher's choice of video material adequate to the topic, level of training, and interests of students. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis and systematization of requirements for video materials, the use of which in the work of a teacher contributes to a competent and appropriate methodological organization of the educational process. The article analyzes approaches to the classification of stages of working with video fragments and offers its own universal classification. It enables to use a variety of modes of operation and develop a system of exercises aimed at developing the communicative competence of students.
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