Self-esteem of teenagers without parental care (on the example of teenagers with experience of living in closed institutions)
The study of self-esteem as one of the fundamental personality formations for the development of adolescents left without parental care does not lose its relevance at the present time. The purpose of this article is to analyze the results of a study aimed at determining the level of self-esteem of closed institutions leavers using the methodology “Test for self-esteem of the individual”by S.A. Budassi.The sample included 204 respondents: closed institutions leavers (group “DD”), teenagers raised in blood families (group “Home”) and their peers raised in foster families (group “Custody”). The “DD” group includes teenagers who have experience of living in a closed institution for more than 5 years, the “Custody” group – teenagers who have been in foster care for more than 5 years, the “Home” group – teenagers who have been brought up from birth in blood families. The study was conducted on the basis of secondary special educational institutions of the Belgorod region. The results of the study revealed minor differences in the level of self-esteem of closed institutionsleavers, teenagers raised in foster families and their peers raised in blood families. Respondents, regardless of their experience of living in closed institutions, for the most part, are characterized by a normal level of self-esteem. At the same time, high self-esteem is inherent in 21% of adolescents brought up in blood families, and 19% of closed institutionsleavers. Low self-esteem in 17% of adolescents raised in foster families and 10% of closed institutionsleavers. The study is of practical importance associated with the possibility of correcting the self-esteem characteristics of adolescents with low and high levels of self-esteem, brought up in different social conditions.
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