DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2021-7-1-0-5

Project and target management of career guidance work in a music college

The development of the system of music professional education in modern Russia has changed the basic requirements for the content and results of the development of educational programs, as well as made certain adjustments to the management of the educational organization. The successful implementation of new approaches to management, based on the activation of the internal and external potentials of the educational organization, allows for the transfer of the music college from the mode of functioning to the mode of development. The project-target approach, based on the results management system, makes it possible not only to respond quickly to changes in the internal and external environment, but also to adjust previously formulated goals. The purpose of the study: substantiation of the content, conditions for the construction and effectiveness of the model of career guidance work in the context of a project-oriented approach to the development of a music college. The research was carried out on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, modeling, questionnaires, and analysis of the obtained research results. The implementation of the model of project-target management of career guidance work as an integral part of the system of project-target management of the development of the music college has been carried out in the Gubkin Branch of the BGIIK since 2015. During the experiment, through the development and implementation of a set of projects, criteria were identified by which to judge the effectiveness of the technology: formal criteria (quantitative indicators), real criteria (qualitative changes). The results of the application of project-oriented management of career guidance in the music college showed the presence of a general innovation shift, qualitative changes in the components of the organization (the demand for graduates, changes in the motivation of students).

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