DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2021-7-2-0-7

Emotional and volitional characteristics of disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders

In the modern world, there have been significant achievements in the work on the problem of comfortable and friendly environment for a wide variety of groups of people with one or another medical condition, including those with disabilities. In Russia, the number of disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders increases by 30% every 10 years. The category of disability is a broad group by degree and type of impairment in various organ systems, imposing an imprint on the psychological state of disabled people as a response to the difficulties they constantly encounter in their lives and are forced to adapt to them. This points to the need for a comprehensive approach to psychological support for people with musculoskeletal disorders, taking into account each specific case of disability and an individual approach to their psychological correction, the possibility of which relies on a clear diagnosis and understanding of the emotional and volitional characteristics of the disabled. In spite of the fact that numerous data are accumulated in science in relation to these or those emotional-volitional features of disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders, they concern individual characteristics of their emotional or volitional spheres, and often have an applied character. Therefore, a comprehensive study of emotional and volitional features of disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders to solve the problem of complex psychocorrection remains relevant. The article reveals the results of the ascertaining stage of the study. The review and mainly qualitative analysis of the results of the study of three groups of disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders is indicated, which is explained by its purpose – to study the features of the emotional-volitional sphere of disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders for further development of individual programs of psychocorrection.

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