DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2021-7-3-0-8

Features of corporate culture in small business organizations

One of the main tasks set by the President of the Russian Federation to the Government in May 2018 is the development of small and medium-sized businesses. In recent years, the number of small business organizations in the Crimea has grown significantly, which, on the one hand, develops the economic sector of the Republic and provides jobs, and on the other, creates the fiercest competition in a market economy. So, only in the Crimea, more than 90% of small businesses sell their services to consumers, and are not producers of goods. In addition, the services offered by such companies are not exclusive in the Crimean market. For a company to be competitive, it needs to be recognized and be ahead when compared to other companies. In fact, to ensure competitiveness, a small business company must have a stable positive image, be familiar to everybody. Otherwise, the lifetime of such a company is limited from 1 year to 3 years. The purpose of the article is to describe the results of the study of the corporate culture of small business organizations. Materials and methods. To diagnose the corporate culture of the organization, we used the OSAI method; to determine the styles and norms of behavior, to identify the leading motives of employees' activities – the method of diagnosing the socio-psychological attitudes of the individual in the motivational-need sphere developed by O. F. Potemkina. In the course of the study of 7 Crimean small business enterprises, the authors identified several groups of enterprises with tendencies to different types of corporate culture. The motivational profiles of the enterprises included in the ascertaining experiment were studied. During the discussion of the research procedure and its results there were questions concerning the cumbersomeness of psychodiagnostic techniques that measure the type and level of formation of corporate culture, as well as determining the criteria for the success of small businesses with different types of corporate culture in the market.

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