DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2021-7-4-0-5

Personal determinants of the functioning of mental structures in the digital space

The rapid changes of the last decades in the field of digital and information technologies pose new problems for psychological science that require deep reflection. Digitalization entails the transformation of not only the forms and content of human life and social relations, but also the nature of the functioning of the structural components of the psyche. The problem under consideration is relevant in the light of the fact that the digital space is becoming one of the important institutions of socialization of modern youth. The aim of the study was to study the relationship between the functioning of the mental structures of the individual (“Id”, “Ego”, “Super-Ego”) in the digital space and the individual typological properties of a person (mechanisms of psychological defenses, character accentuations, communicative and organizational abilities). To obtain data on the functioning of the mental structures of the individual in the digital space, an author's questionnaire was developed. The study of personal characteristics was carried out using a test-questionnaire of character accentuations, a methodology for identifying the leading mechanisms of psychological protection of the individual “Life Style Index” and a methodology for assessing communicative and organizational abilities. Based on the conducted factor analysis of the questionnaire, three factors were identified, considered as manifestations of “Ego” (“sociability/activity − isolation/passivity”), “Super-Ego” (“competence-incompetence”) and “Id” (“aggression/lack of boundaries − benevolence/sense of boundaries”) in the digital space. Using cluster analysis, two groups of students with different manifestations of themselves in the digital space were identified: “open” and “latent” communicators. “Open communicators” have a high level of communicative and organizational abilities, are demonstrative and often use psychological defense denial. “Latent communicators” are characterized by pessimism with a fixation on the dark sides of life, and they often use suppression and reactive education as psychological defenses. During the correlation analysis, a number of interrelations of mental structures with personal characteristics were revealed.

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