DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2022-8-1-0-6

Ideation in its adaptation to the educational process

Introduction. Current demand for practicing intercultural dialogue in the educational space is of strategic importance for the future professional in today's convivial world. Purpose: This article describes psychological and pedagogical techniques for acquiring linguistic and cultural information in order to use it as an object of research and to form ideas or conceptions (to ideate) about this object in a cross-cultural context. Materials and methods: Logical analysis and interpretive case study based on the cognitive approach to creating learning specifications become the main methods in developing principles for incorporating idea generation, or ideation into academic practice. The material of the study was the analytical data of practical work on different sources of cultural heritage. The article provides examples of consideration of ideative objects "scream/cry" as authorial concepts in the visual language of E. Munch, V. Kandinsky and the story by I. Bunin and “punishment” in F. Dostoevsky. Results: Interpretations of ideation vary and will continue to vary. Here, ideation as dealing with the ideative object is a bridge to the “frame alignment” of the conceptual category, schematization, formative recovery of the idea, or conceptualisation. As an educational component, ideation is a multicyclic process involving students’ actions (goal configuration, object field recognition, object localisation, object adaptation) triggered by the teacher’s corresponding actions (purposefulness, problem situation modelling, object contingencies analysis, object fulfilment orientation). Conclusion: Education is the space where the foundations are laid for intercultural dialogue and thus for the interaction of cultures.

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