DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2022-8-3-0-1

Methodology of higher education in the new reality: additive construction of the up-to-date product

Introduction. A systematic understanding of the need and possibility of the transition of the process of cognition to a holistic display of the world in its actual reality is an urgent task of modern higher education. In a rapidly changing professional environment, it is especially important to justify and consciously choose the direction of the search for information and the creation of knowledge on its basis in the process of constructing an up-to-date product. The purpose of the study: theoretical justification and study of the advantages of parametric representation of interactions and relationships in the virtual design system in preparation for cognitive activity based on the transformation and translation of relevant information between the real environment and its personal representation in the knowledge of a specialist in the process of designing a demanded product with certain properties and value. Methodology and research methods. The activity approach was adopted as a fundamental one, the study of which is aimed at identifying the features of implementation in the process of learning the principles of the universal law of symmetry, which made it possible to formulate the conditions for the development of the ability to present information in proportion to the center of symmetry “activity”, establish a connection of any information with a certain direction of activity and correlate it with a change in the properties of the constructed product. In the course of the study, the study, we used the methods of analysis of the basic concepts of the study, cause-effect analysis of the phenomena under study and relationships in the systems, parametric modeling. Results. The article presents a new model of cognition, a parametric model of constructing an up-to-date product that provides virtual systemic impacts of the subject on the object (activity), forecasting and evaluating the results of these impacts (information on changes in the parameters of the object state depending on the direction of the subject's activity), and creating new valuable knowledge (what should be done to obtain an actual product). The expediency of implementing a new model of cognition based on additive technologies with a universal multi-event representation of the cognition process is substantiated. It is proved that the construction of an up-to-date product and valuable knowledge is provided by an additive synthesis of relevant information as a result of a superposition of events in personally chosen direction of activity. The process of additive construction of the up-to-date product, valuable knowledge and reflective evaluation is presented.

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