DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2022-8-4-0-7

The situational variables influencing leadership in distance learning student groups

Introduction. The active development of digital tools and technologies, including for the organization of training, has led to a variety of situations that could not be ignored, in particular, the construction of various forms of distance learning (traditional and innovative lectures, as well as seminars). There are practically no studies in the scientific literature that can explain how and with the help of which learning situations and forms of learning it is possible to achieve activity, productivity, efficiency, as well as successful assimilation of educational material by students in a distance format. The purpose of the study: to identify the relationship between situational variables and the effectiveness of leaders in the distance learning format. Materials and methods: the study was carried out in 2 stages. At the first stage, a quasi-experimental study was conducted to identify the relationship between situational variables and the effectiveness of students in the distance learning format. At the second stage, a search study was conducted in order to identify the personal qualities of leaders who showed their activity in several indicators: acting as a speaker, nominating a candidate for a leadership position (conference council) and the presence of comments /reactions to the individual work “Smart Book”. In addition, at the second stage of the study, respondents have passed a number of methods: “Professional and managerial roles” (T.Y. Bazarov), “Communicative and organizational roles” (T.Y. Bazarov), “Styles of responding to changes” (T.Y. Bazarov, M.P. Sycheva). Data processing was carried out using MS Excel. Results and output. Traditional forms of distance learning contribute to reducing the effectiveness of students in the educational process. Innovative forms of distance learning contribute to increasing the efficiency of students in the educational process. Students who are active in the organizational sphere of activity achieve high efficiency in learning. Students who are active in a meaningful field of activity achieve low efficiency in learning. Students who are active in the emotional sphere of activity achieve average efficiency in learning.

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