DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2022-8-4-0-9

Deviant behavior on the Web: cyberbullying

Introduction. Every year, the living space of the individual is expanding due to Internet technologies, turning the ordinary human environment into a space of mixed reality. At the same time, there is an interference of forms and strategies of behavior already familiar to a person from reality with those that virtual reality opens. this not only leads to a new experience of human interaction, but can also catalyze personal and behavioral deviations. The purpose of the article is to describe the criteria and individual forms of deviant behavior of a person in the Internet space. Materials and methods of research. The aim of the study was to identify the relationships between the form of deviant behavior of a person in the Internet space and his/her personal characteristics in adolescence. During the empirical study, the following methodological tools were used: a questionnaire to determine the level of personality online activity (A.I. Luchinkina, 2014), the “Orientation” scale of the “Personality in Virtual Space” questionnaire (A.I. Luchinkina, 2014), the “Cyberbullying Propensity” questionnaire (I. S. Luchinkina, 2019), the Cognitive Errors in Internet Communication (CEC) questionnaire (Luchinkina, 2019), the SPA questionnaire (Rogers-Diamond, 2002), a method for diagnosing character accentuations (C. Leongard – G. Schmishek, 2004). The results of the study and their discussion. The study identified groups of respondents in the adolescent sample who are prone to cyberbullying, but who occupy different role positions in it. It was determined that there is a pronounced correlation between the position in bullying and individual individual-personal the characteristics of users, the peculiarities of their thinking.

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