DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2023-9-3-0-2

Educational platforms as an opportunity for personal and professional self-realization of students

Introduction. The formation of a new labor market in Russia requires the training of specialists who meet modern professional requirements and competencies. The training of such specialists is based on the introduction of a project-based learning method, which is implemented through the participation of students in competitive educational platforms of different levels. They act as a link between educational organizations, employers, students and young professionals. Participation in educational platforms contributes not only to the formation of professional skills and competencies, but also to the possibility of personal and professional self-realization of students. The purpose is to study the effectiveness of the influence of educational platforms on the personal and professional self–realization of students. Materials and methods: the comparative method allowed us to identify the algorithm for the correct choice of a project, platform, competition, olympiad, course, etc., and the analytical method allowed us to draw conclusions about the expediency of preparing students to participate in competitions of different levels. The survey method allowed us to draw conclusions about the impact of students' participation in educational platforms on their personal and professional self-realization. The study involved 2nd and 3rd year students of the Faculty of Pre-university Training of the Specialty “Tourism” and 2nd-4th year bachelors of the Direction of training “Tourism” of the Institute of Geoinformation Technologies and Geography (total 150 people), N.P. Ogarev Mordovian State University. Results. The necessity of introduction into the educational process, preparation of students' participation in educational platforms of different levels was proved. The experience of students' participation in competitive educational platforms at different stages of training has shown the growth of their professional development and personal and professional self-realization.

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