DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2023-9-4-0-7

Individual-psychological and educational-environmental factors of students' subjective involvement in academic activity

Introduction. The correlation of individual psychological and educational environmental factors with the involvement of students in academic activity gives unequal results. The paper verifies the general assumption that the contribution of individual psychological characteristics can be mediated by various forms of subjective involvement. The student's subjective experience is considered as an integral resultative characteristic of subjective involvement in the work. The forms of the student's subjective experience reflecting the different orientation of academic activity (on the appropriation of experience and self-determination in the educational environment) are ego states in educational activities. The purpose of the work. To trace the dependence of the type of students' subjective involvement in academic activity and its forms on the individual psychological characteristics of the subject and the perceived parameters of the educational environment Materials and methods. The sample was made up of university students of various fields and course of study (N=251). The assessment of subjective involvement was carried out on the basis of three methods: the author-developed questionnairies “Ego-states in educational activity” (E.Yu. Savin, M.E. Samsonova), “The subjective experience of a student” (E.Yu. Savin), a method of dividing time with respect to five types of activity. To study individual psychological characteristics, a short version of the questionnaire “Big Five (BFI-2-S)” (A.M. Mishkevich, S.A. Shchebetenko, O.Y. Kalugin, K. Soto, O. John) and “Differential Reflexivity Test” (D.A. Leontiev, E.N. Osin) were used. For the analysis of educational and environmental conditions, the “Method of vector modeling of the education environment” (V.A. Yasvin) was used. Research results. Correlation and regression analyses allowed us to establish that the focus of academic activity on appropriation and self-determination is reflected in the specific forms of subjective experience, the ego states of an Adaptive and Natural Child, and is based on various individual psychological characteristics. The focus on appropriation correlate with the personal traits of consent, consciousness and introspective reflection, the focus on self-determination - with extraversion, openness to experience and systemic reflection. The perceived parameters of the educational environment make a contribution to the student's subjective experience independent of personality traits, while subjects with a focus on the appropriation of experience are more sensitive to the characteristics of the educational environment. Conclusion. The correlation of individual psychological and educational-environmental characteristics with subjective involvement in academic activity depends on the forms of orientation of this activity.

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