DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2023-9-4-0-10

The image of the future in young people with different levels of tolerance to uncertainty

Introduction. The image of the future is a complex psychological construct that determines the peculiarities of the construction of a model of the future by a personality, and which is also related to the level of tolerance to uncertainty and the peculiarities of a personality's perception of time perspective. The purpose of the work is to study the image of the future of young people with different levels of tolerance to uncertainty. Research materials and methods. The study involved 57 students aged 19 to 23 years, studying at Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, Simferopol. The respondents completed the psychodiagnostic methodology form “McLane Uncertainty Tolerance Scale” (adapted by E.G. Lukovitskaya); there was also used the methodology for diagnosing the time perspective by F. Symbardo and a projective methodology for studying the image of a possible future by V.N. Petrova. Results research. As a result of the study, it was revealed that young people with a high level of tolerance to uncertainty are characterised by the desire to search for situations with pronounced uncertainty. They are also characterised by a more pronounced semantic life perspective, high optimism about the future and temporal orientation towards a positive past, future and hedonistic present. Conclusion. The image of the future among young people with different levels of tolerance is different and has its own structural features. Young people with a higher level of tolerance have a more pronounced independence in the formation of a life perspective, a more definite semantic life perspective and expressed optimism about the future, which is accompanied by a pronounced positive temporal orientation. Young people with a lower level of tolerance to uncertainty are characterized by a clearer differentiation of goals and the representation of the far, middle and near prospects, but a less optimistic time direction.

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