DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2024-10-1-0-1

Status and age features of civic self-determination of future and novice teachers

Introduction. Attention to the teacher as a carrier of anthropo-images, samples, patterns of behavior, worldview attitudes, evaluative judgments, under certain conditions significant for the education and socialization of students, actualize the problem of support for civic self-determination of future and novice teachers. An important basis for its resolution is the study and use of current status-age features for the design of pedagogical education, support of the process of self-determination of young people in the socio-civic sphere of life activity. The purpose is to study certain status-age features of civic self-determination of future and novice teachers related to their socio-civic involvement. Methodology and methods. The research methodology was determined by sociocultural, socio-pedagogical, axiological and psychological-pedagogical approaches to understanding the essence of civil self-determination of the individual. We used an adapted questionnaire “Youth: Features of Socialization and Upbringing”, focus groups conducted with students and novice teachers, and retrospective essays offered to individual respondents. We present the data of the comparative study, carried out with our participation in 2006 and 2023 respectively, using the same questionnaire. The respondents in 2006 were young people studying in higher educational institutions of Voronezh and Voronezh region, including pedagogical universities (N=1750). In 2023 the respondents were students of pedagogical universities and novice teachers (N=520). To compare the obtained data, the result was expressed as a percentage. Results. Comparable data were obtained for the following items: trusting attitude of university students to the institutions of power and social institutions, satisfaction and activity in their own life, participation in public life, assessment of social environment activity, national-oriented or individual-oriented assessments of statehood. Conclusions. The narrow, state-political understanding of civic self-determination entails a narrowing of the spheres of self-realization of future and novice teachers, who, like the majority of the country's population, take an irregular and fragmented part in political practices. A rather high level of distrust in political parties is directly related to the detachment from public activity in general (attracted by the position of observers), numerous cases of spontaneous and formal involvement in realized activities, the focus of information on the Internet with a high level of distrust of young people in the media. The insignificant level of involvement in the activities of public organizations, the specificity of young people's attitude to their own activity poses the task of analyzing not only the specific circumstances of professional education of future and present teachers, but also the peculiarities of the system of continuing education itself.

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