Leadership qualities of future teachers in the context of the current stage of society development
Introduction. The transformation processes that occur in modern society affect all spheres of an individual’s life, forming a person of a new generation. On the other hand, the situation of uncertainty, which is always present during the period of reforms, provokes the need for professional training of such a future specialist who will be competitive in the modern labor market. It is extremely important to develop a set of leadership qualities in students that will contribute to an active professional position in the future, especially when it comes to teachers, because they will become a value and meaningful guide for the younger generation. In the modern scientific field there is still no unified classification of the leadership qualities of future teachers. The purpose of the article is to highlight and scientifically substantiate the complex of leadership qualities of future teachers for their successful formation in the educational space of higher education. The main methods include theoretical ones: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, classification, which in their integral set will make it possible to comprehensively study the problem. As a result of the study, it was proven that the leadership qualities of future teachers are a stable set of personal qualities of a student that allow him/her to be the initiator and organizer of various types of socially significant activities, obtain effective results from such activities, and strive for self-development and self-improvement. The main leadership qualities of a future teacher include: professional (organizational qualities, ability for effective communication, cooperation and the ability to work in a team, responsibility, tolerance, adaptability, innovation) and personal (self-confidence, discipline, activity and initiative, empathy, creativity and creativity, desire for self-improvement). Conclusion. The author adheres to the idea that the formation of a set of leadership qualities is possible in the educational space of higher education, subject to the implementation of certain pedagogical conditions, which the author plans to substantiate in the future.
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