Resources of psychological safety of the personality of a higher school teacher in modern conditions
Introduction. The present time is characterized by acute social events and phenomena that form new, constantly changing, and often dangerous challenges, both for each individual and for society. In this regard, even greater demands are placed on the activities of a higher school teacher, which, due to its specificity, is closely associated with intense psychological, social and psychophysiological tension, and additional risks appear. The issue of qualitative study of the psychological safety of teachers from the point of view of its preservation and strengthening, through the allocation and analysis of its resources, is relevant. The purpose of the empirical study is to identify and study the resources of psychological security of the personality of a teacher of educational institutions of higher education. Materials and methods. The study was based on 672 respondents belonging to the faculty and administrative staff of educational institutions of higher education from nine federal districts of the Russian Federation. As diagnostic tools, individual questionnaires and author's psychometric scale questionnaires (based on the principle of the Likert scale) were used, formed on the basis of the results of the analysis of the works of domestic and foreign authors on the problem of psychological safety in general and its resources in particular. The reliability of the results of the study is ensured by the application of mathematical statistics methods during processing, namely: analysis of variance, the Mann-Whitney U-test. Results. It was revealed that of the 13 allocated psychological safety resources, the most significant for higher school teachers include: “stress tolerance”, “ability to adapt to any life situation”, “resistance to various external influences (psychological, informational, etc.)”, “physical health”, “feeling of personal well-being” and “the possibility of self-realization”. The least significant resource was “material security”. The gender, age, professional and territorial features of assessing the resources of psychological security of a person who carries out his activities in educational institutions of higher education within the framework of modern environmental conditions are revealed. Conclusion. Teachers of higher educational institutions are highly responsible for high-quality and successful training, and the formation of future specialists, from the position of social, labor and intellectual resources of the country. The study of the psychological safety of this category of persons, taking into account the circumstances and conditions of the present time, is an urgent and priority area. The 13 psychological safety resources identified as a result of the study, as well as the significant differences found in their assessment, make it possible to create and expand diagnostic tools, as well as programs and methods for the formation, strengthening, preservation and correction of psychological safety of higher school teachers.
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