Interactive learning model: a polymorphic approach
Introduction. The peculiarity of building a model of interactive learning lies in the polymorphism of the term “interactive”, which has different forms of realization. Interactivity is considered from two positions: a high level of activity of students and the technology of using information and communication technologies in distance learning. It is required to eliminate the contradictions existing in the perception and realization of interactivity in learning. The aim of the study is to develop a model of interactive distance learning, taking into account the polymorphic approach in interactivity. Methodology and methods: study of methodological literature of domestic and foreign authors on the issue of organizing interactive learning, acquaintance with the experience of leading educational institutions and large companies promoting interactive technologies. The obtained materials were subjected to theoretical and empirical methods of pedagogical research. Findings of the study. The author proposes to expand the informativeness of the interactive learning model. In the case of activation of classes in the classroom there is a contact model – “interactive learning”. For distance learning it is necessary to introduce the “model of interactive learning” and structure it by realized activity: a passive “model of interactive learning”, an active “model of interactive learning” and an interactive “model of interactive learning”. Conclusion. Interactive technology of distance learning has peculiarities. It is effective at alternation of small blocks of information and requires realization of “active learning strategy” – controlled change of learners' activity during classes.
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