DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2024-10-3-0-3

Technologies of the digital economy in translation training

Introduction. Due to the active introduction of digital technologies into human activity, there is a change in the way of work organisation, changes in the content of processes, including the profession of translator. Inclusion of the study of the peculiarities of the use of digital economy technologies in the educational process allows preparing future specialists for their professional activities. The aim of the work is to identify the main features of digital economy technologies, to determine the possibilities and directions of their use in the activity of a translator, as well as to identify the content of digital competences and ways of forming them in linguistics students in the educational process. Materials and methods. The methodology is determined by analytical approaches to identifying the features of digital economy technologies, the comparative method allowed us to form approaches to the content of digital competence in translation activity. The method of point-rating assessment allowed us to identify the level of formed designated knowledge, skills, abilities and competences. The survey method allowed to get feedback from the 4th year students of the direction “Linguistics” participating in the sample. As a theoretical basis we used scientific works devoted to the issues of digital competences of translators, as well as digital technologies in their professional activities. The results of the study and their discussion. The introduction of the issue of the use of technologies of the digital economy into the educational process of training future translators allows us to define the content of the discipline “Information Technologies in Translation”, the components of the translator's digital competence determine the directions of competence formation and the content of the current control. The policy of import substitution and sanctions has imposed requirements on the relevance of the applications and services used, which poses difficulties for the technical organization of the learning process and allows us to formulate new criteria for the selection of software. The results of the interim control showed an increase in the efficiency and quality indicators of the learning process in the discipline. Conclusion. A properly organized digital environment, modern information technologies selected on the basis of scientific criteria, an educational process aimed at motivating professional work and assessing the formation of both digital and translation competence allow to increase the efficiency of learning and its quality in the training of translation specialists.

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