The relationship of technophobia and technophilia with intrasubjective factors in representatives of different age groups
Introduction. The implementation of “intelligent” systems capable of independently collecting, processing and analyzing information opens up wide opportunities and prospects, but also puts society in front of complex challenges and dilemmas, which is reflected in the attitude of the individual to such systems and technologies. It is important that the active integration of the latest achievements of science and technology into everyday life is commensurate with the psychological readiness of society for appropriate innovative transformations. In this regard, the issue of identifying psychological factors related to an overly open attitude to technology (technophilia) and fear of technology (technophobia) becomes extremely relevant, which will contribute to achieving a balance with regard to new technologies and increasing the reflexivity of society regarding possible technological risks in the near future. The purpose of the empirical study is to study the relationship between technophilia and technophobia in representatives of different age groups with intrasubjective factors. Materials and methods. The study involved 240 respondents aged 20 to 51 years (Mage=31.31; SD=11.54), of which 113 men (Mage=31.87; SD=12.28) and 127 women (Mage=30.81; SD=10.86). The following standardised methods were used: the Schwartz’s PVQ-21 value questionnaire, the A.B. Kupreichenko's methodology "Trust/distrust of personality in the world, self and other people", “Technophilia” and “Technophobia” scales of the attitude to technology questionnaire by G.U. Soldatova et al. Results. The specificity of technophobia and technophilia in representatives of the youthful (20-21 years old) middle (38-51 years old) age is shown. The interrelationships of technophobia and technophilia with intrasubjective factors were established: a person's trust/distrust of himself, other people, the world around him, value profile and personality traits. Predictors of technophobia and technophilia have been identified in men and women of adolescent and middle age (the second period of adulthood). Conclusion. Technophilia and technophobia, which are psychological phenomena of different content, are interrelated with the level of confidence of a person in himself/herself, the world around him/her and other people, value profile and personality traits, and the content of this relationship is revealed taking into account gender and age characteristics.
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