The article presents the pedagogical project developed in Colégio Nacional, a Brazilian educational institute that works with all levels of public education, from Kindergarten to High School. The project called “Tem Jeito Sim” (“Yes, there’s a way”) was designed to achieve the principal aim of making both the world and society better through education. It is based on Brazil’s National Curriculum Basis for Childhood Education and is founded on the principles of educational psychology developed by L.S. Vygotsky and his school. The self-awareness of a child and his/her interactions with a pedagogue and adults lead to the realization of child’s cognitive and emotional potential. The age stages of this development are briefly described, and each stage has a corresponding element of the presented program. Partially this approach can be compared with the Reggio Emilia paradigm and the Zankov educational system. Child’s perceptions and actions that are guided into the right direction empower his/her personality and create the world of childhood. This way the child’s right for the full and happy childhood is ensured through primary school, which lays the foundation for further education.
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Research result. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education is included in the scientific database of the RINTs (license agreement No. 765-12/2014 dated 08.12.2014).
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