The study is based on the assumption that along with the biological and social domestic and foreign theories of deviant behavior in modern psychology there is a third direction – the development of personality is determined by the dialectical interaction of these two directions: the analysis of the physiological assumptions and individual psychological characteristics for understanding the phenomenon of personal maturity / immaturity of teenagers.
The authors study the relationship of neuropsychological prerequisites found in the manifestation of functional asymmetry, with personal characteristics and temporal perspective. In a comparative study of teenagers from comprehensive schools and a juvenile correctional facility, the question of whether the identified relationship between the severity of the personal characteristics of teenagers and the type of hemispheric asymmetries can be considered as prerequisites of deviant behavior.
Keywords: Time perspective,
deviant behavior,
latent left-handedness,
latent right-handedness,
personal maturity,
interhemispheric asymmetry.
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Research result. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education is included in the scientific database of the RINTs (license agreement No. 765-12/2014 dated 08.12.2014).
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