DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2016-2-4-3-7


The objective of this research project was to determine the effect of showing art works of famous artists on development creativity of the third-grade children. This research was done on art classes over four months. It was expected that the results will show the importance of cultivating aesthetic taste of the children and the impact on the creation of a comprehensive and integrated personality of the child. This research was needed to explore the impact of showing reproductions of modern art pictures during school classes on the creativity of children. The tasks of this research by study of children at early school age are the new ways of encouraging the development of children's art interests, children's thinking skills and children's creativity. It was expected that this study confirms development of esthetic skills, independence in art work, development of motor skills, enrichment of art vocabulary and other values and the formation of the creative children’s personality. These are the conditions that may facilitate the development of free and creative quality of the child's personality. They can contribute to the achievement of independence, openness and development of creative abilities. “Teaching, like learning, is one of the most basic human activities. As a skill and a vocation, teaching is absolutely central to those who educate as well as to those who are taught. To this end, teaching as an art, as a skill and as a subject in itself has long been the focus of debate, analysis and classification. At this time of great interest in the relationship between, and the processes of, teaching and learning, the practice of teaching itself is also changing” [4, p.1].
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